Everybody talks about Industry 4.0. But what happened to 3.0? The machines doesn’t have to be online for you to realize that there is more potential to harvest

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production control

Management wants to increase productivity. Machines, tooling, holders, CAM software and training is acquired. Still, the time between jobs is far too long. Still, the setup times are too long. Still, everything goes in slow motion. And everything management hears is “we don’t have time” and “if we could just buy one of these…”

On the factory floor, there’s always hurry. Every job is late. Lists with weekly machine maintenance have ceased to be updated. There’s chips and pallets on the floor. In the tooling departement there’s piles of unopened tools left so generously by different sales reps. “Try this, you’ll save 30%”.

Wherever you turn, there’s a machine not running. You’ll see someone programming on the machine display. You’ll see a chip bin overflowing.

we are the external resource you hire to solve these problems. we know factories. we know production. no matter make, model or control system, cam system, part och process. we can help

production capability

CAD - Computer Aided Design. An amazing tool. You can create whatever from nothing. A few clicks and you’ve created a threaded hole. A few more, and voilá, your creating has nice round edges. Click, click, drawing is done. Time to order!

But how is a threaded whole even made? You have to drill first? But deeper? How much deeper?? Tolerances. Without tolerances nothing would ever fit. Better get ‘em tight. ISO 2768-F should do it. No wait… H7. H7 is great.

We have experience in manufacturing. We help answer these questions. We help you with communicating with your supplier. We help you design your part to achieve maximal technical height, on the shortest possible time, to the lowest possible price.

production engineering

The position as product engineer is hard to grasp. You’re supposed to calculate production costs, program, design fixtures, handle sales reps, handle customers. Handle increased demands from management on productivity and profitability. Handle demands from machine operators on better processes.

The machines must run all the time. But they never run enough. And in the middle of this you’re supposed to start with CAM programming. The training from last year? I think I remember how to make a tool path. What did the sales rep say? Just post and go.

Sure. Not one tool is digital. Nor a holder. Nor a fixture. Is there even a solid file for this job?

Machine hits end limit switch…

Let’s do it like we’ve always done. At least that works. G0G90…

“Is the part done soon? Whats taking so long??”

we know cad/cam. we know cnc. we make your business digital

Pilot studies

Investing in new machines? Upgrading a process? RFQ for domestic production? Investing in a CAM software?

We’ll help you to independently evaluate and compare functions and pricing from different suppliers, no matter the product
